「經典百年」崑曲公演:崑曲經典折子戲 400 Years of Legacy: Kunqu Classics
《蝴蝶夢》〈說親〉、《漁家樂》〈藏舟〉、《血手記》 〈密謀〉〈問巫〉、《昭君出塞》 “Matchmaking,” from The Butterfly Dream; “Hiding in Her Boat,” from Joy of the Fishermen; “Conspiracy” and “Inquiring the Witches” from Blood-Stained Hands; and Zhaojun Leaving Her Country
「經典百年」崑曲公演:《牡丹亭》400 Years of Legacy: The Peony Pavilion
南宋初年,南安太守杜寶,有個聰明美麗的女兒,名喚麗娘。杜家家教甚嚴,又請了個老儒生陳最良授麗娘誦習詩書,不許擅出閨門一步… The Peony Pavilion (1598), also known as The Return of the Soul, was written by the prominent playwright Xianzu Tang (1550-1616). Included in his four dream plays, The Peony Pavilion has long been regarded as a masterpiece of Chinese literature and kunqu.

張繼青崑曲藝術傳承 Passing on the Kunqu Art: From Master to Disciples
"A Maddening Dream," from Ballad of The Rotten-Ax Mountain; "A Stroll in the Garden," "An Interrupted Dream," and "Dreamland Revisited," from The Peony Pavilion

2015年春節公演 Celebrating the Chinese New Year 2015
崑曲折子戲〈思凡〉以及〈鬧學〉片段,崑曲折子戲〈偷詩〉、〈訪鼠測字〉、〈定情〉,以及來自神州中樂團的中樂演奏。Programs include Kunqu scenes: Longing for the Mundane World, In the Classroom, Love Through a Poem, An Investigation in Disguise, The Pledging of Love, and Chinese Folk Music.

古典之美:2014年秋季公演 Classical Beauties: 2014 Fall Concert
經典崑曲折子戲〈驚夢〉、〈小宴〉及著名京劇〈斷橋〉 "An Interrupted Dream” and "A Banquet for Two" (Kunqu); "The Broken Bridge" (Jingju).

崑曲之美:2014年夏季公演二 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2014 Summer Concert 2
經典折子戲 Selections from Kunqu classics
崑曲之美:2014年夏季公演一 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2014 Summer Concert 1
〈思凡〉、〈佳期〉、〈活捉〉Selections from the Kunqu classics: “Longing for the Mundane World,” “A Sweet Rendezvous,” and Taken Alive.

崑曲之美:2013年秋季公演二 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2013 Fall Concert 2
經典折子戲片段:〈小放牛〉、〈尋夢〉、〈思凡〉、〈寄子〉;經典折子戲〈活捉〉、〈寫狀 〉。Selections from the Kunqu classics and two complete scenes: Taken Alive and Writing a Grievance
崑曲之美:2013年秋季公演一 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2013 Fall Concert 1
〈驚夢〉片段、〈斷橋〉、〈借靴〉 An Interrupted Dream (section), The Broken Bridge, and Borrowing Boots
墨韻蘭馨 Silver Jubilee
《白兔記》〈養子〉、《潘金蓮》〈挑簾〉〈裁衣〉、《長生殿》〈絮閣〉 “Bearing the Son” from The Story of the White Rabbit, “First Encounter” and “The Conquest” from Pan Jinlian, and “Chamber of Frivolous Commotions” from The Palace of Eternal Youth.