墨韻蘭馨 Silver Jubilee

2013年9月22日, 曼哈頓法國協會劇場

September 22, 2013, Florence Gould Hall, New York

1.《白兔記》〈養子〉   Bearing the Son from the Story of the White Rabbit


The Story of the White Rabbit is a southern drama written during the Yuan Dynasty. The act, Bearing the Son, tells of Sanniang’s difficult life after her husband, Liu Zhiyuan, left. She is abused by her brother who wants her to remarry. However,she is already pregnant with her husband’s child. One evening, while she is pushing the millstone, her over exertion sets her into premature labor. She gives birth to a boy, and begs her sister-in-law to give her a scissor to cut the umbilical cord. Denied, she in bitterness severed the cord with her teeth, and so gave the boy the name Severed Cord. Sanniang sends the boy away to his father to escape the abuse of his uncle at home only to have him unknowingly wander back into her yard sixteen years later, while hunting rabbits. Upon hearing the misfortunate woman’s laments, the child now a youth recognizes his mother and brings about the reunion of his parents.

Plot Summary

演員表 CAST

王芳 飾 李三娘 Fang Wang as Li Sanniang

湯遲蓀 飾 惡嫂 Chisun Tang as Sister-in-law

2. 《潘金蓮》〈挑簾〉〈裁衣〉 First Encounter and the Conquest from Pan Jinlian


A legend popularly adapted to opera by Shen Jing from the Ming dynasty, this piece is based on stories from "Water Margin." In these two acts, Jinlian Pan, a beautiful woman, accidentally drops a bamboo stick onto the street below, hitting a gentleman’s head. She, immediately coming down to apologize to the man, whose name is Ximen Qing, falls in love with him at first sight. Qing Ximen is struck with her immense beauty as well and resolves to have her. In the next act, by Qing Ximen’s entreaty, an old woman named Wang asks Jinlian to come to her house under the pretense of sewing funeral robes. When Jinlian arrives, Qing is introduced as the patron to the funeral robes. Qing sends the old woman away with some silver to buy wine. In her absence, Qing and Jinlian consummate their passion.

演員表 CAST

史潔華 飾 潘金蓮 Jiehua Shi as Pan Jinlian

蔡青霖 飾 西門慶 Qinglin Cai as Ximen Qing

吳德璋 飾 王婆 Dezhang Wu as Wang Po

3. 《長生殿》〈絮閣〉  Chamber of Frivolous Commotions  from The Palace of Eternal Youth


The Palace of Eternal Youth (1688) is a Kunqu classic written by Sheng Hong (1645-1704). The play tells the classic love story of Emperor Minghuang and his imperial concubine Yang Guifei. Minghuang, who places the pleasures of Lady Yang’s company over his duties as emperor, leaves his kingdom in abandonment. When his kingdom suffers a coup, his faithful officials demand the execution of Lady Yang, who they believe is the true cause for the decline of their court. This episode portrays Lady Yang’s unannounced visit to Minghuang the morning after he secretly summoned his former favorite consort for an overnight tryst. Through a series of arias, Yang conveys her anger, frustration, self‐pity, and sadness, an expression of devotion which eventually leads Minghuang to admit his infidelity and resume his favor for her.

演員表 CAST

王芳 飾 楊貴妃 Fang Wang as Lady Yang

趙文林 飾 唐明皇 Wenlin Zhao as Emperor Minghuang

湯遲蓀 飾 高力士 Chisun Tang as Gao Lishi

楊玲 飾 永新 Ling Yang as Yongxin

代諾 飾 梅妃 Nuo Dai as Lady Mei

曹振江,李慶鳳 飾 太監 Zhenjiang Cao, Qingfeng Li as Court Attendants

梁燕,劉玉霞 飾 宮女 Yan Liang, Yuxia Liu as Court Maids

Plot Summary

樂隊 Musicians

Flyer from the Event


鄒建梁 笛 Jianliang Zou Flute

辛仕林 鼓板 Shilin Xin Drum

周明軍 笙 Mingjun Zhou Sheng

黃世榮 小鑼 Shirong Huang Small Gong

夏文傑 中胡 Wenjie Xia Zhonghu

郭景强 二胡 Jingqiang Guo Erhu

周懿 琵琶 Yi Zhou Pipa


崑曲之美:2013年秋季公演一 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2013 Fall Concert 1


崑曲之美:2013年夏季公演 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2013 Summer Concert