墨韻蘭馨 Silver Jubilee
《白兔記》〈養子〉、《潘金蓮》〈挑簾〉〈裁衣〉、《長生殿》〈絮閣〉 “Bearing the Son” from The Story of the White Rabbit, “First Encounter” and “The Conquest” from Pan Jinlian, and “Chamber of Frivolous Commotions” from The Palace of Eternal Youth.

崑曲之美:2013年夏季公演 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2013 Summer Concert
崑曲經典折子戲《長生殿》〈小宴〉、《浣紗記》〈寄子〉、《玉簪記》〈偷詩〉Kunqu highlight scenes: “A Banquet for Two” from The Palace of Eternal Youth , “Entrusting the Son” from The Story of Gauze-Washing Encounter, and “Love Through a Poem” from The Jade Pin.

唯曲是寶 Kunqu, My Only Treasure
《長生殿》〈定情〉、《牡丹亭》 〈寫真〉、《水滸記》 〈活捉〉、《鳳凰山》〈百花贈劍〉”The Pledging of Love” from The Palace of Eternal Youth, “The Self-Portrait” from The Peony Pavilion, “Taken Alive” from The Water Margin, and “Princess Florets” from The Phoenix Mountain

崑曲之美:慶祝崑曲申遺十週年公演 The Beauty of Kunqu: Performance of Kunqu Classics
《長生殿》The Palace of Eternal Youth