《雅韻迴響:崑曲經典折子戲賞析》Echoes of Elegance: A Celebration of Kunqu Opera Classics
聯手推出《雅韻迴響:崑曲經典折子戲賞析》, 歡迎大家前來觀賞.

史泰頓島寄興園 中秋慶祝活動Autumn Moon Festival celebration at Snug Harbor’s New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden
Autumn Moon Festival celebration at Snug Harbor’s New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden on Sept. 14th, 2024
2024夏季戶外公演 Summer Outdoor Concert 2024
海外崑曲社將於5月26日, 6月16日,6月23日和8月11日在法拉盛草原可樂娜公園皇后博物館廣場舉辦「夏季戶外公演」。
Kunqu Society will present the "Summer Outdoor Concert" on May 26th, June 16th and 23rd, and August 11th at the Queens Museum Plaza, Flushing Meadow Corona Park.

「崑曲之美」2024年春季公演 The Beauty of Kunqu: Spring Performance 2024
Kunqu Society will present "The Beauty of Kunqu: Spring Performance 2024" on March 24th (Sunday) at 1:30 PM at the Flushing Town Hall.

崑曲化妝示範講座 Kunqu Makeup Workshop
Kunqu Society hosts a Kunqu Makeup Workshop on February 24th (Saturday) at 2:00 PM at the Flushing Library. Our resident artists, Mr. Min Cheng, and Ms. Yonghong Jia will demonstrate the makeup and dressing process for Kunqu actors before taking the stage.

雅韻薪傳 —奼紫嫣紅開遍 : 海外崑曲社35週年學生演出 Elegance through Generations: student recital commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Kunqu Society
To commemorate its 35th anniversary, the Kunqu Society will hold a special student performance, showcasing classic scenes, singing, and flute playing. Over the years, the Kunqu Society has provided a platform for Kunqu connoisseurs and practitioners to gather. In this program, students will present their years of learning and training by the Kunqu Workshop teachers. It will be a great demonstration of the Kunqu heritage in the United States and New York City communities.