Workshop Teachers
Ever since its founding, Kunqu Society has benefited tremendously from the support for its public programs from outstanding kunqu artists who accepted invitations to become resident artists of the society, as well as from those who reside in the greater New York metropolitan area. With their long-term support, the society is able to present to the general public performances, lecture-demonstrations, and workshop lessons on a regular basis.
蔡青霖 Qinglin Cai
A leading kunqu performer of clown roles in China, Mr. Qinglin Cai is a graduate of the Shanghai Academy of Performing Arts and a former member of the Shanghai Kunqu Troupe. He engages and mesmerizes his audience from the moment he takes the stage, and throughout the performance. He has been invited to appear in many performing art festivals in Spain and the United States. Mr Cai has been a Resident Artist of the Society since its inception.
程敏 Min Cheng
國家一級演員。畢業於江蘇省戲劇學校崑劇表演藝術專業,工小生。師承著名崑劇表演藝術家周傳瑛、蔡正仁、高繼榮、董繼浩。1985年5月,正式拜蔡正仁老師為師。畢業後分配到江蘇省崑劇院工作,多年為劇團主要演員。擅演《長生殿》中的唐明皇、《販馬記》中的趙寵、《金雀記‧喬醋》中的潘岳、《牧羊記·望鄉》中的李陵、《鳳凰山·百花贈劍》中的海俊、《雷峰塔·斷橋》中的許仙、《獅吼記·跪池》中的陳季常、《玉簪記》中的潘必正、《紅梨記· 亭會》中的趙汝舟、《牡丹亭· 驚夢· 拾畫叫畫》中的柳夢梅、《九蓮燈·火判》中的閔遠、《繡襦記》中的鄭元和、《十五貫》中的熊友蘭等。曾獲首屆中國崑劇青年演員交流演出“蘭花優秀表演獎”、第二屆江蘇省“紅梅杯” 戲曲大賽金獎,文化部首屆崑劇新劇目觀摩演出“優秀表演獎”、江蘇省首屆戲劇青年演員大獎賽“優秀表演獎”、第五屆江蘇省戲劇節“優秀表演獎”等。中國戲劇家協會會員,江蘇省戲劇家協會會員。現為紐約海外崑曲社藝術總監、駐社藝術家、崑曲傳習班老師。
A top-ranked performer nationally in China and a graduate of the Jiangsu Performing Arts Institute, Mr. Min Cheng specializes in the role types of young male and state officials. He studied with Kunqu master Zhou Chuanying, Cai Zhengren, Gao Jirong and Dong Jihao, and had been one of the leading actors of the Jiangsu Kunqu Institute for many years. He was known for his portrayals of the leading male characters in Kunqu classics such as: “Princess Floret,” “The Broken Bridge,” “The Horse Trader,” “Weeping to the Statue” and “Kneeling by the Pond.” He was the winner of the Orchid Award for Outstanding Young Kunqu Artists. Mr. Cheng is the Artistic Director and a Resident Artist of the Kunqu Society and a teacher of the Kunqu Workshop.
賈永紅 Yonghong Jia
初習聲樂,後入北京戲曲藝術職業學院專修昆曲,師從李倩影、秦肖玉、張毓雯、懂瑤琴四位崑曲表演藝術家,學習《幽閨記.拜月亭》,《牡丹亭 鬧學·遊園·驚夢》,《孽海記 .思凡》,《鳳凰山 贈劍》,《奇雙會.寫狀》,《浣紗記 寄子》,《漁家樂.藏舟》《西廂記 .佳期》等。為北方崑曲劇院專業演員。1999年參加美國紐約林肯中心全本55齣《牡丹亭》飾演春香,並訪演法國、義大利、澳大利亞等地。 定居美國後,參加東西兩岸眾多京崑演出及活動,傳播戲曲歌唱藝術,且組織安排社區兒童表演節目等。現任職於新州 Holmdel Montessori School,新州中興國劇社及華夏南部中文學校,並為海外崑曲社傳習班老師。
Ms. Yong-Hong Jia is a Chinese opera singer, an actress, and a teacher of performing arts. Ms. Jia started studying the vocal arts at age 13. She graduated from the Beijing Traditional Opera School, where she specialized in the Hua Dan (vivacious young girl) role. She performed throughout China in many major Kunqu productions. From 1991 to 1999, Ms. Jia engaged in various TV and movie productions. As a leading actress, she won many awards for her acting. Ms. Jia was invited by the New York Lincoln Center to perform in “The Peony Pavilion” production in 1999. Then, she toured with the troupe to perform worldwide. Ms. Jia and her Renaissance Chinese Opera Society was founded in New York City in 1984 as a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. It relocated to South Jersey with the missions to preserve and promote precious Chinese Opera heritage, and to introduce it to the multinational cultural mosaic of American life. Ms. Jia has actively participated in community services to perform Chinese opera and folk songs for many charitable organizations in different cities across North America.
錢熠 Yi Qian
從十歲開始,錢熠即在上海戲劇學院附屬戲曲學校學習中國傳統戲曲之一:崑曲。成為上海崑劇院的一員後, 錢熠便在《白蛇傳》、《玉簪記》及其它經典戲曲中展露頭角,並擔綱女主角等重要角色。 不僅如此,錢熠更得到中國國家文化部之認可並視為她是當今中國最年輕優秀的崑曲表演藝術家。 1998年,錢熠首次在林肯中心藝術節中主演長 達19小時的全本牡丹亭。在美國、歐洲、亞洲及澳大力亞等地的國際音樂節中巡迴演出。 她的表演獲得藝評家們廣泛的讚譽及觀眾們的好評。 紐約時報稱讚她“演技高超”;華爾街日報形容她的表演是“無與倫比”;紐約雜誌則給與“引人入勝,目不轉睛”的表演評價。
Qian Yi studied classical Chinese opera (Kunqu) at the Shanghai Opera School. As a member of the Shanghai Opera Company, she became known for her leading roles in The Legend of the White Snake, The Water Margin and other standards of the classical Chinese opera repertoire. The Chinese Ministry of Culture recognized her as one of the country’s finest young Kunqu actors. In 1998, Qian Yi was cast in the lead role of Lincoln Center Festival’s epic 19-hour production of The Peony Pavilion. The production toured internationally, playing at major international festivals in the United States, Europe, Asia and Australia. The New York Times described her as “China's reigning opera princess”.
史潔華 Jiehua Shi
A leading Kunqu performer of vivacious young female roles, Ms. Jiehua Shi is a graduate of the Shanghai Academy of Performing Arts and a former member of the Shanghai Kunqu Troupe. Her exemplary acting, dancing and singing – enhanced by her natural beauty of voice and appearance on stage – make her a star of Kunqu theater. She has been invited to appear in many performing arts festivals in Spain, Taiwan, and the United States. Ms. Shi has been a Resident Artist of the Society since its inception and a teacher of the Kunqu Workshop.
聞復林 Fulin Wen
A well-known actor of the old male role type in kunqu, Mr. Wen is a graduate of the Shanghai Academy of Performing Arts. He was a member of the Zhejiang Kunqu Opera Company. He joined the Lincoln Center’s production of The Peony Pavilion in 1999 and toured Europe. Mr. Wen is a Resident Artist of the Kunqu Society and a teacher of the Kunqu Workshop.
吳德璋 Dezhang Wu
1959年進上海市戲曲學校,學藝崑曲演員專科。 師承俞振飛、沈傳芷、方傳芸、周傳瑛、邵傳鏞、鄭傳鑑等老師。在校曾演《寄子》、《燒香》、《斷橋》等傳統折子戲。1966年畢業於上海市戲曲學校第二届崑曲班。在戲校演出劇組演藝京劇樣板戲。1978年在上海崑劇團演出《瑶臺》、《搜山打車》等劇。1983年參加香港第八屆亞洲藝術節;1987年赴英國參加愛丁堡第四十一届國際藝術節;1988年赴日本參加紀念中日友好締結十週年巡演;1992年1月參加香港藝術節;1992年10月參加赴臺灣巡演。擔任劇團演出宣傳、攝影工作,為中國攝影家協會、上海藝術攝影家協會會員,作品發表在各報業、刋物及影展。1993年應邀赴美國交流崑曲藝術活動,在紐約海外崑曲社參演《琴挑》、《寄子》、《出獵》等劇目。同時,助演多次邀請的上海崑劇團、江蘇省崑劇院、蘇州崑劇團來美的合作演出。2015年至2019年仼紐約海外崑曲社藝術總監,現為海外崑曲社駐社藝術家、崑曲傳習班老師。
A graduate of the Shanghai Academy of Performing Arts, Mr. Wu plays three role types in kunqu: the young scholar, the warrior, and the clown. Playing all the different parts to perfection, Mr. Wu was a member of the Shanghai Kunqu Troupe and toured with it to many countries. Mr. Wu was the Artistic Director of the Kunqu Society, 2015-2019. He is a Resident Artist of the Kunqu Society and a teacher of the Kunqu Workshop.
徐煜源 Yuyuan xu
Mr. Yuyuan Xu is a graduate from the Department of Chinese Folk Music of the Shanghai Academy of Music, majoring in dizi (Chinese flute). He served in the Shanghai Beijing Opera Troupe for 27 years. Mr. Xu is currently a resident artist and the flute instructor of the Kunqu Workshop. He is also a resident artist of the New York Chinese Music Ensemble and Flute instructor of New Jersey United Chinese School Music Ensemble.
殷海宜 Haiyi Yin
A leading kunqu and jingju performer of the female warrior role type, Ms. Yin is a graduate of the Shanghai Academic of Performing Arts and a former member of the Shanghai Kunqu Troupe. She has been invited to appear in performing arts festivals in Germany, Great Britain, Japan and the United States. Currently she is a Resident Artist of the Kunqu Society and a teacher of the Kunqu Workshop.
周鳴 ming zhou
Mr. Zhou began his study of music at the age of 7. He graduated from the Department of Jingju and Kunqu Music of the Shanghai Drama School in 1985, majoring in side-blown and end-blown flutes, also skilled at other wind instruments such as sheng and suona. After graduation, Mr. Zhou joined the Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe as its chief flutist and orchestra conductor. With the troupe he toured Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. In 1989, he conducted advanced study at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and learned culture and arts management at Shanghai Jiaotong University. In 1999, at the invitation of New York Lincoln Center, Mr. Zhou joined its production of The Peony Pavilion and served as its music director and orchestra conductor, playing the lead musical instrument flute. With the production, he participated in the Paris Autumn Festival, Berlin International Festival, as well as other international arts festivals and cultural exchange programs in Rome, Milan, Australia, and Singapore. In 2005, Mr. Zhou joined the Asia Society’s production of The Orphan of Zhao and served as its music composer and direct and orchestra conductor. The production tours various states in the U.S. For many years, Mr. Zhou has visited various colleges in the U.S. to promote traditional Chinese music and the kunqu art. He is currently the music director and chief flutist of the Kunqu Society, as well as a teacher of its Kunqu Workshop.