唯曲是寶 Kunqu, My Only Treasure

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哥倫比亞大學密勒劇場 Miller Theatre of Columbia University

2013年6月9日 June 9, 2013

《長生殿》〈定情〉The Pledging of Love from The Palace of Eternal Youth


The Pledging of Love is an episode from The Palace of Eternal Youth (1688) by Sheng Hong (1645-1704). The play tells the classic love story of Emperor Minghuang and his imperial concubine Yang Guifei. Minghuang, who places the pleasures of Lady Yang’s company over his duties as emperor, leaves his kingdom in abandonment. When his kingdom suffers a coup, his faithful officials demand the execution of Lady Yang, who they believe is the true cause for the decline of the court. “The Pledging of Love” depicts the beginning of the love between Minghuang and Lady Yang, who, outshining the thousand beauties of the court with her beauty, completely wins the emperor’s love.


史潔華 飾 楊貴妃 Dezhang Wu as Emperor Minghuang

吳德璋 飾 唐明皇 Jiehua Shi as Lady Yan

蔡青霖  飾 高力士 Qinglin Cai as Gao Lizhi

高進、高嶸、李麗珍、盧麗芳 飾 太監 Jin Gao; Rong Gao; Janet Li; Laifong Lo as Court Attendants

王稚芳、王紅、連妤婼、周怡、毛雪珍、鄔慶慶 飾 宮女 Zhifang Wang; Hong Wang; Roxana Lian; Yi Zhou; Carrie Mo; Qingqing Wu as Court Maids

《牡丹亭》 〈寫真〉The Self-Portrait from The Peony Pavilion


孔愛萍 飾 杜麗娘 Aiping Kong as Du Liniang

黃箴瑩 飾 春香 Daisy Huang as Chunxiang



The Self-Portrait is an episode from The Peony Pavilion (1598), written by the prominent playwright Xianzu Tang (1550-1616), a play long regarded as a masterpiece of Chinese literature and kunqu. The play depicts the story of Liniang Du, a maiden of sixteen, who falls in love with a young scholar in a dream. On awakening, the scholar and evidence of their passionate consummation disappear. Heartbroken, Liniang in this scene realizes her coming death and tries to immortalize her beauty by making a self-portrait.

 《水滸記》 〈活捉〉Taken Alive from The Water Margin


楊玲 飾 閻婆惜 Ling Yang as Yan Poxi

單靖 飾 張文遠 Jing Shan as Zhang Wenyuan


Taken Alive dramatizes an episode from The Water Margin written by Zichang Xu in the early seventeenth century, a play based on a famous novel of the same name. Taken Alive depicts the story of Poxi Yan, a concubine of a magistrate’s guard, named Jiang Song, who, she discovers, has formed a liaison with bandits from the Liang Mountain. Having an affair with her husband’s colleague, Wenyuan Zhang, she tries to blackmail Song for his treachery, which prompts Song to kill her. This particular scene features the ghost of Yan, who still has feelings for her illicit lover, Zhang, comes to visit him at night and spirit him away to the underworld.


《鳳凰山》〈百花贈劍〉Princess Florets from The Phoenix Mountain


孔愛萍 飾 百花公主 Aiping Kong as Princess Florets

程敏 飾 海俊 Min Cheng as Haijun

殷海宜 飾 江花右 Haiyi Yin as Jiang Huayou (Haijun’s sister)

高進、高嶸 飾 太監 Jin Gao; Rong Gao as Court Attendants

連妤婼、毛雪珍 飾 宮女 Roxana Lian; Carrie Mo as Court Maids


《鳳凰山》為明人所作,寫元朝安西王謀反,朝廷派遣青年謀臣江六郎化名海俊,潛入安西王府打探軍情。安西王不察,重用海俊。內廷總管叭吶懷疑海俊,用計將之灌醉,送入百花公主寢宮,打算借公主之手將海俊除去。公主侍女江花右是海俊親妹,設法藏匿海俊,被公主發現。公主見海年少英俊,愛之,竟贈劍許以終身。其後公主助父舉兵,但因海俊為朝廷間諜,與朝廷裡應外合,公主兵敗,自刎而亡。 〈贈劍〉寫內侍叭喇灌醉海俊,送入公主寢宮,侍女江花右藏匿海俊,被公主發現,公主見海俊一


Princess Florets is an episode from The Phoenix Mountain, an anonymous work from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Suspicious of a possible rebellion by Lord Anxi, the Yuan government dispatches a young spy to the lord’s court under the alias Haijun. One day Haijun, in a drunken state, is maliciously taken into the inner chamber of Princess Florets, the lord’s daughter. His violation of the royal code of conduct leads to unexpected consequences.


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樂隊 Musicians

王建農 笛 Jiannong Wang Flute

沈楊 鼓板 Yang Shen Drum

季志良 小鑼 Zhiliang Ji Small Gong

黃世榮 鐃鈸 Shirong Huang Cymbals

田建新 大鑼 Jianxin Tian Big Gong

王林松 三弦 Linsong Wang Moon Guitar

李立群 揚琴 Liqun Li Dulcimer

季節 二胡 Jie Ji Erhu

田易平 笙 Kevin Tien Sheng


崑曲之美:2013年夏季公演 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2013 Summer Concert


崑曲之美:2012年秋季公演 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2012 Fall Concert