唯曲是寶 Kunqu, My Only Treasure
《長生殿》〈定情〉、《牡丹亭》 〈寫真〉、《水滸記》 〈活捉〉、《鳳凰山》〈百花贈劍〉”The Pledging of Love” from The Palace of Eternal Youth, “The Self-Portrait” from The Peony Pavilion, “Taken Alive” from The Water Margin, and “Princess Florets” from The Phoenix Mountain

崑曲之美:2012年秋季公演 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2012 Fall Concert
《玉簪記》〈琴挑〉、《鳳凰山》〈百花贈劍〉、《牡丹亭》〈尋夢〉、《繡襦記》〈教歌〉Highlight scenes from the Kunqu classics: “The Zither,” “Princess Florets,” “In Search of the Dream,” and “Teaching the Begging Trade”