崑曲之美:慶祝崑曲申遺十週年公演 The Beauty of Kunqu: Performance of Kunqu Classics

哥倫比亞大學米勒劇場. Miller Theatre of Columbia University

2011年6月25日 June 25th, 2011

《長生殿》The Palace of Eternal Youth

The Palace of Eternal Youth (1688) by Sheng Hong (1645‐1704), a kunqu classic, weaves an epic tale of political corruption, military revolt, and social unrest into the love story of Emperor Minghuang and Lady Yang. Today’s program presents four highlight scenes from the play: “The Pledging of Love,” “Chamber of Frivolous Commotions,” “Startled by Rebellions,” and “Jade Buried.” In “The Pledging of Love,” Minghuang, in a time of peace and prosperity, indulges himself in leisure and pleasure. Among the countless beauties chosen for the court, he is especially struck by the beauty and talent of Yang Yuhuan, whom he makes his consort and names her Lady Yang. Minghuang and Lady Yang pledge eternal love, with a gold pin and a jewel box as their witness. “Chamber of Frivolous Commotions” portrays Lady Yang’s unannounced visit to Minghuang the morning after he secretly summoned his former favorite consort for an overnight tryst. Through a series of arias, Yang conveys her anger, frustration, self‐pity, and sadness, an expression of devotion which eventually leads Minghuang to admit his infidelity and resume his favor for her. “Startled by Rebellions” begins with Minghuang and Lady Yang drinking and singing in merriment. After the drunken lady is led away to rest, Yang Guozhong the Prime Minister hurries in to report An Lushan’s mutiny. In haste, Minghuang orders the court to depart for the Western Shu region the next morning. “Jade Buried” depicts the entourage of Minghuang resting temporarily at the station of the Ma Wei County while fleeing to the Western Shu region. The court guards, in great furor and clamor, kill Yang Guozhong and demand the death of Lady Yang before they will agree to continue the journey. Seeing Minghuang caught in much distress and anguish, Lady Yang begs to be allowed to end her life for the good of the country. She leaves the pin and box with Gao Lishi, a trusted eunuch, and hangs herself from a pear tree. Minghuang, heart‐broken, is pressed to resume the journey.

《長生殿》為清代戲劇家洪昇根據白居易《長恨歌》及民間故事《唐明皇游月宮》所編寫唐明皇與楊貴妃的愛情故事,此次演出〈定情〉、〈絮閣〉、〈驚變〉、和〈埋玉〉四折。〈定情〉寫唐明皇太平致治,機務之餘寄情聲色,選召佳麗入宮,眾美之中獨為楊玉環之姿才所傾倒,敕封為貴妃。兩人以金釵、鈿盒,定下偕老之盟。〈絮閣〉寫唐明皇一夕托疾,夜宿翠華西閣,密召舊愛梅妃。次日清晨楊貴妃趕至閣中, 一番嬌嗔怨怒, 讓明皇深感她情深妒真, 道歉賠罪, 兩人重修舊好。〈驚變〉寫唐明皇和楊貴妃在御花園飲酒作樂, 貴妃為明皇歌舞, 深得明皇歡心。貴妃因不勝酒力, 回宮安寢, 丞相楊國忠突然覲見, 告知安祿山造反, 叛軍已逼近長安。明皇倉促下令, 次日清晨即往西蜀避難。〈埋玉〉〈驚變〉寫唐明皇一行西蜀避難, 途中暫歇馬嵬驛亭, 六軍憤怨, 鼓譟不前, 先怒殺楊國忠, 並誓言不殺楊貴妃、不肯護駕。軍士逼迫之下, 明皇失了主張, 貴妃請允自縊, 將金釵、鈿盒交付高力士, 命喪梨樹之下。明皇哀痛難捨, 無奈叛軍逼近, 只能倉卒前行。

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演員表 Cast

黎安 飾 唐明皇 An Li as Emperor Minghuang

沈昳麗,余彬,錢熠 飾 楊貴妃 Yili Shen, Bin Yu, Yi Qian as Lady Yan

黃箴瑩 飾 梅妃 Daisy Huang as Lady Mei

胡剛 飾 高力士 Gang Hu as Gao Lishi

吳雙 飾 楊國忠 Shuang Wu as Yang Guozhong

繆斌 飾 陳元禮 Bin Liao as Chen Yuanli

冷冰冰、范毅俐、陳曉明、連妤婼 飾 宮女 Bingbing Leng, Yili Fan, Xiaoming Chen, Roxana Lian as Maids

林岩、趙磊、張東炘、高嶸 飾 太監 Yan Lin, Lei Zhao, Dongshin Chang, Rong Gao as Attendants

林岩、趙磊 飾 軍士 Yan Lin, Lei Zhao as Soldiers

張東炘 飾 車夫 Dongshin Chang as Charioteer

樂隊 Orchestra

林峰、高均 鼓板 Feng Lin, Jun Gao Drum

錢寅、楊子銀 笛 Yin Qian, Ziyin Yang Flute

張國強 小鑼 Guoqiang Zhang Small Gong

孟巧根 大鑼 Qiaogen Meng Big Gong

翁巍巍 笙 Weiwei Weng Sheng

郭景強 二胡 Jiqiang Guo Two‐stringed Fiddle

王林松 三弦 Linsong Wang Moon Guitar


崑曲之美:慶祝崑曲申遺十週年公演 The Beauty of Kunqu: Performance of Kunqu Classics