「經典百年」崑曲公演:崑曲經典折子戲 400 Years of Legacy: Kunqu Classics
2016年11月6日 Nov. 6th, 2016
The Kaye Playhouse at Hunter College
《蝴蝶夢》〈說親〉 Matchmaking from The Butterfly Dream
The Butterfly Dream is a legend-style play by Shi Ming of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. "Matchmaking" is an excerpt from the play. Zhuangzi sighed when seeing a widow fanning a grave to dry in order to remarry. After returning home, he pretended to die with illness. Then he used magic and turned into a Prince Chu to test his wife Tian Shi’s loyalty. Seeing that the bachelor Prince Chu had an elegant bearing, she wished to marry him and beseeched the old butler to act as a matchmaker.
演員表 CAST
沈昳麗 飾 田 氏 Yili Shen as Tian Shi
孫敬華 飾 老蝴蝶 Jinghua Sun as Matchmaker
2. 《漁家樂》〈藏舟〉The Joys of the Fisherman from Hiding in Her Boat

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liang Ji grabbed all the power, attempting to assassinate the emperor and usurp the throne. Liu Suan, the Governor of Qinghe, fled from calamity. While being pursued by the cavalry sent by Liang Ji,he ran to the river bank, hiding himself in a fishing boat. Wu Feixia, a fishing girl, upon returning to the boat after mourning his father’s death, found Liu Suan. She, upon inquiry, learned that her father was killed accidentally by the cavalry that was chasing after Liu Suan with intention to kill him and that her ultimate patricide should be Liang Ji. So Wu Feixia covered up Liu Suan. Liu Suan, in deep appreciation for her help, promised to marry her should one day he ascend the throne.
演員表 CAST
倪 泓 飾 鄔飛霞 Hong Ni as Wu Feixia
胡維露 飾 劉 蒜 Weilu Hu as Liu Suan
3.《血手記》 〈密謀〉〈問巫〉Conspiracy and Inquiring Witches from Blood-Stained Hands

General Pei Ma, in conspiracy with his wife Tie Shi, assassinates King Zheng Wang and usurps the throne. To conceal the crime, he wipes out dissidents and pins the blame on others, leading to his desertion and descent into madness. Upon the arrival of an army seeking vengeance, he and his wife both end their depraved lives. Adapted from Macbeth, one of Shakespeare’s tragedies, the Kunqu opera "Blood-Stained Hands", while retaining the essence of the original work, imbues the play and its characters with Chinese aspects and Kunqu opera elements.This unique adaptation has been universally acclaimed by audiences both at home and abroad.
演員表 CAST
吳 雙 飾 馬佩 Shuang Wu as Ma Pei
袁 佳 飾 鐵氏 Jia Yuan as Tie Shi
石宗豪,張咏亮 飾 兵士 Zonghao Shi; Yongliang Zhang as Soldiers
4. 《昭君出塞》 Zhaojun Leaving Her Country

漢,奸臣毛延壽挑唆番王強索昭君充當番邦妃子,漢朝君臣畏懼北番,不敢拒絕,昭君只得含悲忍痛上路, 然對祖國錦繡河山依戀不舍,既恨奸臣,尤怨朝庭軟弱,無力保護一名弱女子。本劇歌舞並重,身段繁複, 極有特色。
A great beauty, Wang Zhaojun was a court lady-in-waiting in the Han dynasty (206 B.C-221 A.D.) at a time when the dynasty was dangerously threatened by the military strength of the Huns to the north. Much to her misfortune, Zhaojun fell prey to the plot of a traitorous and perfidious minister, Mao Yanshou, who suggested to the chief of the Huns that he demand her hand from the emperor of the Han dynasty. Out of cowardice and fear, the emperor agreed to the marriage proposal and Zhaojun was promptly sent on an arduous journey to the land of the northern barbarians. In the classical Chinese theater, there is a famous saying regarding this scene, which is a comment on its great performing challenges on the performers of Zhaojun Leaving Her Country: Wang Zhaojun’s challenge in singing the extended arias, Wang Long’s challenge in comic acting, and the groom’s challenge in acrobatic stunts.
演員表 CAST
史潔華(前),谷好好(後) 飾 王昭君 Jiehua Shi (First Act); Haohao Gu (Second Act) as Wang Zhaojun
蔡青霖(前),侯哲(後) 飾 王龍 QInglin Cai (First Act); Zhe Hou (Second Act) as Wang Long
婁雲嘯 飾 馬夫 Yunxiao Lou as The Groom
聞復林,吳德璋,楊凱旋,單靖 飾 朝官 Fulin Wen; Dezhang Wu; Kaixuan Yang; Jing Shan as Officials
倪泓,胡維露,袁佳,梁燕 飾 宮女 Hong Ni; Weihu Hu; Jia Yuan; Yan Liang as Court Maids
張頲,楊玲 飾 掌扇 Ting Zhang; Ling Yang as Chief Court Maids
張咏亮,丁曉春,石宗豪,王宏 飾 青袍 Yongliang Zhang; Xiaochun Ding; Zonghao Shi; Hong Wang as Attendants
孫敬華 飾 車夫 Jinghua Sun as Charioteer
樂隊 Musicians
高均 鼓
Jun Gao Drum
楊子銀 笛
Ziyin Yang Flute
張國強,黃世榮 小鑼
Guoqiang Zhang, Shirong Huang Small Gong
孟巧根 大鑼
Qiaogen Meng Big Gong
徐元甲 鐃鈸
Yuanjia Xu Cymbals
翁巍巍 笙
Weiwei Weng Reed Pipe (Sheng)
陳英武 三弦
Yingwu Chen Three-stringed Lute (Sanxian)