「經典百年」崑曲公演:崑曲經典折子戲 400 Years of Legacy: Kunqu Classics
《蝴蝶夢》〈說親〉、《漁家樂》〈藏舟〉、《血手記》 〈密謀〉〈問巫〉、《昭君出塞》 “Matchmaking,” from The Butterfly Dream; “Hiding in Her Boat,” from Joy of the Fishermen; “Conspiracy” and “Inquiring the Witches” from Blood-Stained Hands; and Zhaojun Leaving Her Country
崑曲之美:慶祝崑曲申遺十週年公演 The Beauty of Kunqu: Performance of Kunqu Classics
《西廂記》〈惠明〉、《蝴蝶夢》〈說親〉、《玉簪記》〈琴挑〉、《西遊記》〈借扇〉”Huiming the Messenger” from The Story of the Western Wing, “Matchmaking” from The Butterfly Dream, “The Zither” from The Jade Pin, and “Borrowing the Fan” from Journey to the West