典·雅·蘇·崑《滿床笏》Two Great Traditions: Lady Shrewd’s Choice

The Kaye Playhouse, 695 Park Avenue, NYC

2018 年11月3日 November 3, 2018

《滿床笏》又名《十醋記》,清初范希哲所作傳奇本,這次演出的版本復排自傳字輩老藝 術家倪傳鉞親傳折子戲,由〈龔壽〉、〈納妾〉、〈跪門〉、〈求子〉、〈後納〉五折連 成,演述保薦郭子儀為天下兵馬副元帥的朔方節度使龔敬的家事,是《滿床笏》全劇的起 首部分。演出保存繼承蘇州崑曲的傳統表演樣式,雅致細膩。
Lady Shrewd’s Choice is also known as Tale of the Jealous Wife, which is a dramatic chuanqi written by Fan Xizhe in early Qing Dynasty. This performance is a reproduction of the version personally passed down by veteran maestro Ni Chuanyue, joining together the five excerpts; Birthday banquet, Taking a concubine, Kneeling at the door, Begging for a son, and Return of the concubine. The story tells of the domestic affair of the military governor of Shuo Fang Province, Gong Jing in Tang Dynasty. Gong Jing is the man who recommends Guo Ziyi to be the Deputy Commander-in-chief of the national army. The performance preserves the elegant and refined traditional style of Suzhou Kunqu.

Flyer for Lady Shrewd’s Choice.jpg


鄒建梁 司笛 Jianliang Zou Flute

辛仕林 司鼓 Shilin Xin Drum

府劍萍 提琴 Jianping Fu Tiqin

周明君 笙 Mingjun Zou Sheng

姚慎行 二胡 Shenxing Yao Erhu

汪瑛瑛 琵琶 YingYing Wang Pipa

田建信 鐃鈸 Jianxin Tian Cymbal

宋百如 大鑼 Bairu Song Gong

Images from the Performance

演員表 CAST

王芳 飾 師氏 Fang Wang as Lady Shi

趙文林 飾 龔敬 Wenlin Zhao as Gong Jing

翁育賢 飾 蕭氏 Yuxian Weng as Ms. Xiao

湯遲蓀 飾 蒼頭 Chisun Tang as the Housekeeper

楊美 飾 梅香 Mei Yang as Meixiang

唐榮 飾 中軍 Rong Tang as the Captain

王宏,陸雪剛,李駿青,李吉嶺 飾 家院/校尉 Hong Wang, Xuegang Lu, Junqing Li, and Jiling Li as Soldiers       

周怡,毛雪珍,連妤諾,王馨苑 飾  四丫鬟     Yi Zhou, Carrie Mo; Yunuo Lian, and Xinyuan Wang as Maids

轎夫 飾 胡超 Chao Hu as Sedan Chair Carrier


典·雅·蘇·崑:經典折子戲 Two Great Traditions: Classical Scenes from Kunqu and Su Opera


「經典百年」崑曲公演:崑曲經典折子戲 400 Years of Legacy: Kunqu Classics