典·雅·蘇·崑:經典折子戲 Two Great Traditions: Classical Scenes from Kunqu and Su Opera

The Kaye Playhouse, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY

2018年11月4日 November 4, 2018

《牡丹亭》〈驚夢〉 An Interrupted Dream From The Peony Pavilion

An Interrupted Dream starts with Du returning to her quarters from her walk. She is tired and consumed by a pervasive wistfulness. She dozes off and dreams that a young man approaches and makes love to her by a pavilion set among flowering peonies. Her dream is interrupted by her mother’s visit. The scene ends with Liniang slipping into a deeper melancholy after her mother leaves her.

《玉簪記》〈偷詩〉 Love Through a Poem From The Jade Pin

描寫必正得識妙常之後前訪妙常,適妙常假寐,必正偷閱妙常所作詩稿,才知妙常芳心早 已默許。於是二人對天盟誓,私訂終身。    
Love Through a Poem portrays Bizheng’s unexpected visit to Miaochang’s chamber, where he chances upon her napping by her desk. Bizheng manages to steal the poem Miaochang had just composed from under her elbow and learns of her affection for him. When Miaochang awakens, Bizheng uses the poem to force her to confess her love. With the poem as witness, they vow to become husband and wife.

演員表 Cast

俞玖林 飾 潘必正  Jiulin Yu as Pan Bizheng

翁育賢 飾 陳妙常  Yuxian Weng as Chen Miaochang

《潘金蓮》〈戲叔〉 Flirting with the Brother-in-Law From Pan Jinlian

武松打虎出名後,與兄武大團聚,拜見嫂嫂潘金蓮。金蓮見武松儀表堂堂,英雄蓋世,愛慕之心油然而生。乘武大 做買賣未歸,向武松表明愛意,武松斷然拒絕,並警告金蓮若不善待武大,不守婦道,必將自食惡果。

 In “Flirting with the Brother-in-Law,” Pan Jinlian treats Wu Song to some wine when her husband is out doing business on the streets. She at first hints at and then boldly conveys her feelings for Wu Song. Her affection, however, is flatly rejected by Wu Song, who admonishes Pan for her immoral acts and fears that trouble will come to the household.

演員表 Cast

馬思友 飾 武松 Matthew Bloch as Wu Song

周怡 飾 潘金蓮 Yi Zhou as Pan Jinlian

《花魁記》〈醉歸〉(蘇劇)The Hangover From the Su Opera The Story of the Most Famous Beauty

演員表 Cast

王芳 飾 花魁       Fang Wang as Shen Yaoqin

俞玖林 飾 秦鍾 Jiulin Yu as Qin Zhong 

楊美 飾 平兒         Mei Wang as Pinger

湯遲蓀 飾 王九媽    Chisun Tang as Jiuma

The story takes place in the late Northern Song Dynasty when the Jin soldiers come to invade. Eunuch Shen Shan’s niece Shen Yaoqin is separated from her maid in fleeing from calamity and is abducted and sold to become a prostitute in Linan. She later turns into a famous courtesan. Oil-seller Qin Zhong encounters her by the West Lake and falls in love. Taking his entire savings for the year with him, he goes to meet her but she does not return until late at night and is deadly drunk too. Unwilling to wake her up, Qin stays quietly by her side and uses his sleeves to pick up her vomit and waits till daybreak. The beautiful girl wakes up and is deeply moved. She decides to shake off the ties with the wealthy dandy Wan Qi and after the crisis at the snowy pond, finally buys back her freedom and marries Qin Zhong.

《獅吼記》〈跪池〉 Kneeling by the Pond From As a Lioness Roars


Kneeling by the Pond happens on one such day, when Liu Shi learns that not only did her husband go the night before to another party with Su (A truly bad influence!) and joined by some despicable sing-song vixens — openly defiant of her repeated warnings against such outings — but, worse still, he had the nerve to lie to her about the presence of the hired girls! Ignoring her husband’s pathetic pleas for mercy, she determinedly gives him another one of her famous punishments, which is for him to be on his knees for as long as she sees fit, out in the cold by the pond.

演員表 Cast

程敏 飾 陳季常 Min Cheng as Chen Jichang

聞復林 飾 蘇東坡 Fulin Wen as Su Dongpo

史潔華  飾 柳氏 Jiehua Shi as Mrs. Chen (Liu)

蔡青霖 飾 蒼頭 Qinglin Cai as the Housekeeper

Poster from the Event


樂隊 Musicians

王林松, 辛仕林: 司鼓 Linsong Wang, Shilin Xin: Drums 

鄒建梁, 周鳴: 司笛 Ming Zhou, Jianliang Zou: Flutes

府劍萍:   提琴 Jianping Fu:  Fiddle

周明君:  笙 Mingjun Zhou: Sheng

姚慎行: 二胡 Shenxing Yao: Erhu

汪瑛瑛: 琵琶 Yingying Wang: Pipa


評雪辨蹤 Traces in the Snow


典·雅·蘇·崑《滿床笏》Two Great Traditions: Lady Shrewd’s Choice