典·雅·蘇·崑:經典折子戲 Two Great Traditions: Classical Scenes from Kunqu and Su Opera
《牡丹亭》〈驚夢〉、《玉簪記》〈偷詩〉、《潘金蓮》〈戲叔〉、《花魁記》〈醉歸〉 (蘇劇)、《獅吼記》〈跪池〉 An Interrupted Dream From The Peony Pavilion; Love Through a Poem From The Jade Pin; Flirting with the Brother-in-Law From Pan Jinlian; The Hangover From the Su Opera The Story of the Most Famous Beauty; Kneeling by the Pond From As a Lioness Roars

張繼青崑曲藝術傳承 Passing on the Kunqu Art: From Master to Disciples
"A Maddening Dream," from Ballad of The Rotten-Ax Mountain; "A Stroll in the Garden," "An Interrupted Dream," and "Dreamland Revisited," from The Peony Pavilion

古典之美:2014年秋季公演 Classical Beauties: 2014 Fall Concert
經典崑曲折子戲〈驚夢〉、〈小宴〉及著名京劇〈斷橋〉 "An Interrupted Dream” and "A Banquet for Two" (Kunqu); "The Broken Bridge" (Jingju).
崑曲之美:2013年秋季公演一 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2013 Fall Concert 1
〈驚夢〉片段、〈斷橋〉、〈借靴〉 An Interrupted Dream (section), The Broken Bridge, and Borrowing Boots