崑曲之美:2013年秋季公演二 The Beauty of Kunqu: 2013 Fall Concert 2
時間:12月7日下午2點 地點:中華公所(勿街62,紐約,NY 10013)
節目:經典折子戲片段:〈小放牛〉、〈尋夢〉、〈思凡〉、〈寄子〉;經典折子戲〈活捉〉、〈寫狀 〉,免費入場。
Date: December 7, 2013, 2 pm
Location: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association(62 Mott Street, New York, NY 10013)
The program included selections from the Kunqu classics and two complete scenes: Taken Alive and Writing a Grievance. Free of charge.