古典之美 Classical Beauties

哥倫比亞大學密勒劇場  Miller Theatre of Columbia University

2011年10月30日 October 30th, 2011

日本傳統舞蹈 Japanese Classical Dance

松の緑 “Matsu no Midori”

Goshūgimono is a special type of dance used on happy, festive occasions such as weddings, or for the beginning of concerts, to extend good fortune and congratulatory feelings. The name of this elegant dance— “The Green of the Pine”—echoes this feeling of celebration. Using imagery of the pine tree, the dance conveys endurance, strength and longevity. The green color of the pine tree also suggests new beginnings as the composer, a shamisen grandmaster, expresses the wish that his daughter will blossom into a professional musician. This performance is in male style.

演員表 CAST

藤間錦乃 松の緑

Fujima Nishiki-no (Helen Moss)

藤間錦乃  Fujima Nishiki-no (Helen Moss)

藤間錦乃 Fujima Nishiki-no (Helen Moss)


花山の男舞 “Kazan no Otokomai”

Fujima Kanjuro VIII re-choreographed this piece, based on a much older dance called Shirabyōshi no Hana no En. The character is based on shirabyōshi, professional female performers who entertained the nobility of the medieval period. At that time, these performers, whose name means “white rhythm,” dressed in the costume of a young page. Employing some of the directness of male style (otokomai), this dance nevertheless depicts a young woman in love. Note especially the use of furitsutsumi (Japanese tambourines), also called suzudaiko, or bell drums.

演員表 CAST

今泉小百合,阿部美千子 花山の男舞 

Rebecca Imaizumi, Stage Assistant: Michiko Abe

今泉小百合,阿部美千子Rebecca Imaizumi, Stage Assistant: Michiko Abe


Rebecca Imaizumi, Stage Assistant: Michiko Abe


印度傳統舞蹈 Indian Classical Dance

蜜拉的頌歌 “Meera Bhajan” (devotional piece of Saint Meera)

The dance depicts three stories sung by Saint Meera in praise of Lord Vishnu who always protects his devotees:

“Draupadi Vastrapaharanam”: In an episode from the Hindu epic The Mahabharata, Dushasana, one of the Kaurava brothers, drags Draupadi, the common wife of the Pandava brothers, to the court and insults her after winning her in the game of dice between the two rival clans. He boasts his power over her and attempts to disrobe Draupadi in public. Unable to protect herself, Draupadi prays to Lord Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu. As Dushasana pulls on her sari, the sari continues to grow. Fatigue eventually overcomes Dushasana, who falls to the ground in unconsciousness.

“Prahlada Bhakta Vijayam”: Prahlada, a little boy and a sincere devotee to Lord Vishnu, is questioned by his father King Hiranyakasipu about the very existence of the Lord. After Prahlada says that the Lord is everywhere, including the pillar, Hiranyakasipu breaks the pillar with his mace. He is nevertheless attacked by Lord Narasimha, another avatar ofLord Vishnu, and brought to restore the faith in the Lord.

“Gajendra Moksham”: An elephant, devoted to Lord Vishnu, is viciously attacked by a crocodile while doing his namasmarana (chanting the Lord’s name). Unable to pull away from the clutches of the crocodile, the elephant pleads to the Lord who kills the crocodile with his disc-like weapon sudarsana chakra.

莎達娜芭蘭姬、莎特雅培蒂	Sadhana Paranji, Satya Pradeep


Sadhana Paranji, Satya Pradeep


演員表 CAST

莎達娜芭蘭姬、莎特雅培蒂 蜜拉的頌歌

Sadhana Paranji, Satya Pradeep

中國崑曲 The Kunqu Theater of China

〈亭會〉Encounter at the Pavilion

Encounter at the Pavilion is a highlight scene from the drama The Story of the Rosy Pear by Xu Fuzuo from the late sixteenth century. It tells the eventful love affair between Zhao Ruzhou, a talented young scholar who is staying with the well-to-do Wang family, and Xie Suqiu, the reigning queen among the sing-song girls in the quarters of pleasure. In the scene, Zhao recounts his unsuccessful attempt to identify the woman’s voice he had heard outside his window the night before because he was drunk. While taking a night walk at the pavilion, he encounters a rare beauty, who is Xie disguised as Miss Wang coming to seek him, and greatly admires her literary talent and beauty. Zhao invites her to continue their chat at his study but Xie is called away, leaving Zhao frustrated but greatly enchanted.

演員表 CAST

程敏 趙汝舟 Min Cheng as Zhao Ruzhou
楊玲 謝素秋 Ling Yang as Xie Suqiu


日本傳統舞蹈 Japanese Classical Dance

菊がさね “Kikugasane”

“A Multitude of Chrysanthemums” is the name of this dance. The chrysanthemum is an important flower in Japan, with its own special celebration during the autumn season. This dance uses the imagery of the chrysanthemum to symbolize both the permanent and transient aspects of love with the passage of time.

演員表 CAST

藤間錦華 菊がさね Fujima Kinka (Dodnina Lois-Rubin)

藤間錦華	  Fujima Kinka (Dodnina Lois-Rubin)

藤間錦華 Fujima Kinka (Dodnina Lois-Rubin)

依吹香織. Kaori Ibuki

依吹香織. Kaori Ibuki


越後獅子 “Echigojishi” (excerpts)

Wearing colorful headgear, the dancer portrays the famous Edo street entertainer, Kakubei of Echigo. During the 19th century, poverty in the province of Echigo caused many of its inhabitants to turn to itinerant entertainment, often known by their distinctive lion-mask headgear. This Kakubei-jishi entertains us in the first section with his story, and in the last section as the flowing patterns created by lengths of sarashi fabric highlight rhythmic stamping and dance movements.

演員表 CAST

依吹香織,阿部美千子,山賀桃 越後獅子
Kaori Ibuki, Stage Assistants: Michiko Abe and Momo Yamaga

印度傳統舞蹈 Indian Classical Dance

提拉娜 “Tillana”

“Tillana” is a dance of exuberant joy and intricate rhythmic variations set to melodious music dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed God of wisdom and prudence. It features a kaleidoscope of graceful postures and pure dance sequences (nritta). Three tempos are used in the dance. The sahityam (lyrics) praises Lord Ganesha.

演員表 CAST

莎達娜芭蘭姬、莎特雅培蒂 提拉娜
Sadhana Paranji, Satya Pradeep

莎達娜芭蘭姬、莎特雅培蒂Sadhana Paranji, Satya Pradeep


Sadhana Paranji, Satya Pradeep



中國崑曲 The Kunqu Theater of China

〈跪池〉 Kneeling by the Pond

Kneeling by the Pond is an episode from the comedy As a Lioness Roars, written by Tingna Wang in the late sixteenth century. Chen Jichang, a young scholar, is married to Liu Shi, a beautiful but shrewish wife. One day, after learning that the previous day Chen had gone on a spring outing not only with his poet friend Su Dongpo, as Chen had claimed, but also a singing girl, Liu punishes Chen by making him kneel by the pond for as long as she deems fit for his transgression. As the hen-pecked Chen willingly submits himself to the punishment, Su stops by to check on Chen. The pitiful sight of Chen prompts Su to reprimand and lecture Liu who in the end sends Su fleeing from her rage.

演員表 CAST

程敏 飾 陳季常 Min Cheng as Chen Jichang

史潔華 飾 柳氏 Jiehua Shi as Liu Shi

聞復林 飾 蘇東坡 Fulin Wen as Su Dongpo

蔡青霖 飾 倉頭 Qinglin Cai as Butler演員表

樂隊 Orchestra

王振聲 鼓板 Zhensheng Wang Drum

周鳴 笛 Ming Zhou Flute

黃世榮 小鑼 Shirong Huang Small Gong

王林松 三弦 Linsong Wang Moon Guitar

金祖瑞 笙 Tsujui Chin Sheng

李立群 揚琴 Lichun Li Dulcimer

陳新章 二胡 Xinzhang Chen Two-stringed fiddle


大師經典:陳富烟先生紀念公演 Masters and Masterpieces: In Memory of Mr. Fu-yen Chen, founding president of the Kunqu Society


崑曲之美:慶祝崑曲申遺十週年公演 The Beauty of Kunqu: Performance of Kunqu Classics