大師經典:陳富烟先生紀念公演 Masters and Masterpieces: In Memory of Mr. Fu-yen Chen, founding president of the Kunqu Society

哥倫比亞大學密勒劇場 Miller Theatre of Columbia University

2012年11月18日 November 18, 2012

《十五貫》〈訪測〉 An Investigation in Disguise from Fifteen Strings of Cash

《十五貫》原劇為明末清初劇作家朱素臣所作,1950年代經改編,由傳字輩崑曲大師周傳瑛、王傳淞等主演,表演細膩生動,人物塑造鮮明,因該戲引發了對崑曲藝術的重視, 被譽為是「一齣戲救活一個劇種」的崑曲名劇。《十五貫》描寫因賭棍婁阿鼠竊取十五貫錢所引發一連串的誤解、誣告與誤審冤獄,最後在蘇州知府況鐘的仔細勘查與詢訪之下,使案情大白,捕獲殺人兇手婁阿鼠。〈訪測〉一折描寫況鐘假扮成測字先生,往蘇州尋訪真兇,在城隍廟前巧遇婁阿鼠,藉測字取得婁阿鼠的信任,並套出口供,假言有小船可供他逃難,兩人同行而去。

An Investigation in Disguise is an episode from Fifteen Strings of Cash, written by Sucheng Zhu in the seventeenth century. The original script was adapted in the 1950s and performed with the lead roles played by kunqu masters Chuanying Zhou and Chuansong Wang who brought life and depth to the characters. This adaptation and production triggered much interest in the kunqu art and became famed as “the play that revived the whole theatre genre of kunqu.” Fifteen Strings of Cash depicts the disastrous events that follow the murder committed by gambler Lou the Rat. A series of misunderstandings, false accusations, and indiscreet judgments lead to the imprisonment of innocent people. Kuang Zhong, Magistrate of the County Suzhou, questions the justice of the trial, artfully apprehends Lou and rights the wrongs. In “An Investigation in Disguise,” Kuang Zhong disguises himself as a fortune teller to visit Suzhou and seek the murderer. By chance, he encounters Lou at the City Temple. Through the process of telling Lou’s fortune, Kuang Zhong earns Lou’s trust and obtains critical clues about the murder

演員表 CAST

蔡青霖 飾 婁阿鼠 Qinglin Cai as Lou the Rat

聞復林 飾 況鍾 Fulin Wen as Kuang Zhong

《吟風閣》〈罷宴〉Advice on Banqueting from The Pavilion of Clear Breeze

《吟風閣》為清朝楊潮觀所撰,其中包含短劇三十二齣, 題材取自歷史與傳說,故事反映人情世態、官場廉弊,場上搬演以〈罷宴〉最廣為流傳。〈罷宴〉描寫北宋名臣寇準任相州節度使時,準備在自己壽誕之日大宴賓客。府中曾侍奉先太夫人的老婦劉婆,見寇準驕奢過甚,藉口在迴廊因踩蠟油滑倒,痛哭失聲,因而思及先太夫人在世時勤儉辛苦,撫養寇準,暗示寇準勿奢侈成性。寇準聽其言,心有悔悟,吩咐罷宴。

Advice on Banqueting is from The Pavilion of Clear Breeze written by Chaoguan Yang of the eighteenth century. The play consists of thirty two one-acts, with stories based on histories and legends that reflect the various manifestations of humanity and the sharp contrast between the integrity and corruption of the bureaucracy. Among the one-acts, “Advice on Banqueting'' has been the most popular on stage. “Advice on Banqueting'' depicts Kou Zhun, an eminent prime minister of the Northern Song dynasty in the tenth century, who is planning an extravagant banquet to celebrate his own birthday. Nanny Liu, who had served Kou’s mother, trips on the voluminous wax droppings which had accumulated on the ground due to the excessive burning of candles for the birthday celebration. With this incident, in tears she recounts how in the past when life was hard Madame Kou thriftily managed the household and worked industriously to raise and educate Kou properly. Upon hearing Nanny’s words, Kou regrets his birthday plans and orders the banquet to be dismissed.

演員表 CAST

王維艱 飾 劉婆 Weijian Wang as Nanny Liu

黃小午 飾 寇準 Xiaowu Huang as Kou Zhun

楊玲 飾 寇夫人 Ling Yang as Lady Kou

蔡青霖 飾 小廝 Qinglin Cai as Servant

吳德璋 飾 家院 Dezhang Wu as Butler

《綵樓記》〈評雪辨蹤〉Traces in the Snow from The Story of Nuptial Gallery


Traces in the Snow is from The Story of Nuptial Gallery written by Ling Wang of the sixteenth century. Adapted from an earlier play called The Story of the Ruined Shed, the play depicts Liu Qianjin, daughter of the prime minister, who offered her nuptial ribbon ball to Lu Mengzheng, an impoverished scholar, and chose him as her husband. Liu’s decision angers her father, and she and Lu are evicted from her father’s residence. Later Lu devotes himself to studying, passes the civil examination, and eventually reunites the family. “Traces in the Snow” is set after Liu and Lu’s eviction when they stay in a dilapidated shed. Abysmally poor, they survive on donated food Lu manages to obtain from a nearby temple. One snowy day while Lu is out at the temple to retrieve food, Liu’smother sends a butler and maidservant who bring rice, coals, and money to the shed and help alleviate their hardship. When Lu returns, he sees a man’s footprints in the snow, which leads him to doubt his wife’s fidelity to him. When he enters home, his suspicion increases further as Liu brings out rice porridge for him to eat. The misunderstanding provokes a quarrel between husband and wife. After Liu explains what happened, Lu apologizes and asks for forgiveness. While having the rice porridge, Lu thinks of the humiliation he suffered at the temple and accidentally knocks his precious meal into the fire, thus ruining both the meal and the heat. As Liu promises that they will have some better food, Lu is inspired to study hard in order to end their hardship.

演員表 CAST

史潔華 飾 劉翠屏 Jiehua Shi as Liu Cuiping

正程敏 飾 呂蒙 Min Cheng as Lu Mengzheng

吳德璋 飾 家院 Dezhang Wu as Butler

殷海宜 飾 梅香 Haiyi Yin as Maid

《荊釵記》〈見娘〉Mother’s Visit from The Story of the Thorn Hairpin


“Mother’s Visit” is from The Story of the Thorn Hairpin, an anonymous work written in the fourteenth century. Wang Shipeng, a poor scholar, was engaged to Qian Yulian, who accepted his engagement gift of a thorn hairpin. Later Wang passed the civil examination as the top scholar and declined the prime minister’s offer of his daughter in marriage. Sun Ruquan, Wang’s friend who sought to marry Qian, schemed to turn Wang’s letter of welcome into a letter of divorce. The Qian family wrongly believed that Wang had become the son-in-law of the prime minister, thus forcing Qian to remarry. Qian refused, threw herself into the river in protest, and was luckily rescued by a prefect of the same family name. Years later Wang and Qian meet again by accident and the family is finally reunited.

“Mother’s Visit” depicts Wang after he had been awarded the title of top scholar and had written home to ask his mother and wife to meet him in the capital. His mother, Madame Wang, and Servant, Li Cheng, arrive at his residence. Not seeing Qian and finding his mother in a state of sadness, Wang becomes suspicious. After Madame Wang accidentally drops the mourning brooch, Wang questions her and learns that his letter was manipulated into a letter of divorce which drove Qian to commit suicide. In extreme angst, Wang faints. After he recovers his senses Wang determines to investigate the messenger and discover what happened.

演員表 CAST

蔡正仁    飾 王十朋 Zhengren Cai as Wang Shipeng

王維艱      飾 王母 Weijian Wang as Madam Wang

黃小午      飾 李成 Xiaowu Huang as Li Cheng

聞復林 飾 長班 Fulin Wen as Servant

樂隊 Orchestra

錢寅、黃承林 笛 Yin Qian, Chenglin Huang Flute

李琪、黃世榮 鼓板 Qi Li, Shirong Huang Drum

黃世榮 小鑼 Shirong Huang Small Gong

宋百如 大鑼 Bairu Song Big Gong

田建新 鐃鈸 Jianxin Tian Cymbals

黃承林 嗩吶 Chenglin Huang Suona

郭景強 二胡 Jingqiang Guo Erhu

王林松 三弦 Linsong Wang Moon Guitar

金祖瑞 笙 Tsujui Chin Sheng

李立群 揚琴 Liqun Li Dulcimer


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