summaries of the plays we perform most often

綵樓記 The Story of Nuptial Gallery
The Story of Nuptial Gallery was written by Ling Wang of the sixteenth century and adapted from an earlier play called The Story of the Ruined Shed.

獅吼記 As A Lioness Roars
As a Lioness Roars shines as one of the most popular and enduring Kunqu comic plays. The title has become a familiar metaphor in Chinese culture that refers to a jealous and tempestuous woman and her henpecked husband.

水滸記 The Water Margin
The Water Margin, written by Zichang Xu in the early seventeenth century, dramatizes episodes from the famous novel of the same name, focusing on the character Jiang Song and others related to him.

牡丹亭 The Peony Pavilion
《牡丹亭》 又稱《還魂記》,為明代戲劇家湯顯祖所著《玉茗堂四夢》之一,在文學史和崑曲劇壇上,是一部不朽的名著。
The Peony Pavilion (1598), also known as The Return of the Soul, is written by the prominent playwright Xianzu Tang (1550-1616), a play included in his four dream plays and long regarded as a masterpiece of Chinese literature and kunqu.
玉簪記 The Jade Pin
The Jade Pin, written by Lian Gao (1527-1609?), depicts a secret love affair between Pan Bizheng, a scholar, and Chen Miaochang, a young maiden cloistered in a nunnery, and the consequences that ensue when it becomes known.
長生殿 The Palace of Eternal Youth
The Palace of Eternal Youth (1688) by Sheng Hong (1645-1704), a kunqu classic, weaves an epic tale of political corruption, military revolt, and social unrest into the love story of Emperor Minghuang and Lady Yang.

荊釵記 The Story of the Thorn Hairpin
The Story of the Thorn Hairpin is an anonymous work written in the fourteenth century.
白兔記 The Story of the White Rabbit
A play written in the fourteenth century, The Story of the White Rabbit recounts the trials of Li Sanniang, a virtuous wife, and her eventual reunion with her husband and son.

浣紗記 The Story of Washing Gauze
The Story of Washing Gauze, written by Chenyu Liang of the sixteenth century, is the first known play that employed kunqu in stage performance and contributed greatly to the art form’s popularization and development.
鳳凰山 The Phoenix Mountain
《鳳凰山》為明人所作,寫元朝安西王謀反,朝廷派遣青年謀臣江六郎喬裝改扮,化名海俊,潛入安西王府打探軍情。The Phoenix Mountain, an anonymous work from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), depicts a spy scheme that implicates the life and death of a princess.

昭君出塞 Lady Glory’s Trek to the North
Inspired by Autumn at the Han Palace, a masterpiece of poetic drama written by Ma Zhiyuan of the Yuan dynasty (1280-1368), Lady Glory’s Trek to the North is a Kunqu theater replete with sophisticated singing, dexterous acting and dancing, which makes it a popular but most demanding work.
西遊記 Journey to the West
Journey to the West depicts the pilgrimage of Tripitaka (Xuanzang of the Tang dynasty, 602-664) to India to receive Buddhist teaching and obtain the scriptures.
吟風閣 The Pavilion of Clear Breeze
The Pavilion of Clear Breeze was written by Chaoguan Yang of the eighteenth century. The play consists of thirty two one-acts, with stories based on histories and legends that reflect the various manifestations of humanity and the sharp contrast between the integrity and corruption of the bureaucracy.

連環記 A Plot of Menage à Trois
東漢末, 董卓擅權跋扈, 義子呂布鐃勇善戰,司徒王允憂心國事, 欲誅董卓, 卻苦無良策。
This play takes place at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220AD), when Dong Zhuo, a mighty and ruthless general, seizes power from the emperor.

繡襦記 An Embroidered Robe
The play poses as a morality drama to warn against debauchery and hedonism, which the play states can only lead to pain and destruction.

十五貫 Fifteen Strings of Cash
Written by Sucheng Zhu in the seventeenth century, the original script was adapted in the 1950s and performed with the lead roles played by kunqu masters Chuanying Zhou and Chuansong Wang who brought life and depth to the characters.

鐘馗嫁妹 Zhong Kui’s Earthly Mission
Zhong Kui’s Earthly Mission is unique not only for its extreme dexterity in dance movements of the characters but also for the tale it tells of tender feelings between siblings and friends across the barrier between the human world and the netherworld.