Musings and Writings about Kunqu

The Kunqu Theater
Kunqu is a form of Chinese musical drama. But it is more than just drama: it is a combination of play, opera, ballet, poetry recital, and musical recital. In the performance of Kunqu three media work simultaneously and in harmony: words, music and dance.

排演乞丐戲< 教歌 >的隨談 Practice “Teaching the Begging Trade”
二〇一二年十一月二十四日將於紐約法拉盛圖書館上演< 教歌>一劇。此劇乃是全本繡襦記大戲雅中見俗的一折,也是崑劇高雅劇目中陽春白雪以外的下里巴人,劇中雖則描寫社會低層的乞丐叫化,但人物言表詞句也有文理典故,可謂俗中見雅。