雲端講座系列之二 Online Lecture Series 2
海外崑曲社 雲端講座:崑曲的曲譜、舞台、笛藝
The Kunqu Society Online Lecture Series: Songbooks, Stage, and Flute for Kunqu
Speakers: Ting-I Wang & Hsi-I Wang
時間:2021年3月6日星期六晚上8點 When: Saturday, March 6, 2021, 8 p.m. (EST)
節目簡介Program Description:
In this lecture, Mr. Wangs will share the stories about Kunqu songbooks, as well as their decades-long experiences in staging Kunqu plays and playing flute to accompany Kunqu singing.
王定一與王希一癡迷崑曲已逾六十年, 幼承庭訓、經母親許聞龢及姨母許聞佩啟蒙學習崑曲唱腔、唸白、與笛藝。在臺時、並隨徐炎之、張善薌老師指點舞台上的崑曲藝術,來美後隨張充和曲家學習崑曲文詞、四聲音韻、隨腔打譜的曲理銓釋。 For over sixty years, Mr. Ting-I Wang and Mr. Hsi-I Wang have immersed themselves in the world of Kunqu. They first learned Kunqu from their mother and aunt and later took instruction from famed Kunqu amateur practitioners in Taiwan. After coming to the U.S., they continued to study Kunqu with Ms. Chung-ho Chang Frankel, a renowned calligrapher and master Kunqu practitioner.